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2023-12-01 07:46:17
美[sɪvɪzəm]  英[sɪvɪzəm]
n.  公民精神;公德心


  1. However, he insisted on his civism and stood on the side of the public. 但是他始终坚持以民为本,与广大群众同呼吸共命运;
  2. As the growing room of civism lies in public life and citizen society, and the personification of it is citizen temperament, it is necessary to cultivate every individual citizen. 公共精神的生长空间是公共生活和公民社会,它的人格化则是公民气质,故而必须落实到对公民个体的引导上。
  3. Civism has an important impact on the acceleration and improvement of "good governance" , democratic administration, social justice, public accountability and public interests. 公民精神在推动和促进政府“善治”、民主行政、社会正义、公共责任和公共利益等方面有着极其重要的影响和作用。
  4. To begin with, it elaborates the connotation of Tan Ka-kee’s spirits: civism of the destiny of a country and its people, sublimate personality and scientific research spirits. 首先,本文诠释了陈嘉庚精神的内涵:关心国家和民族命运的公民精神、理想化的人格以及崇尚与追求科学精神。
  5. But if we examined from the different angles, we would find many kinds of trouble and anxiety social phenomenon existing in the society, especially the peoples weak sense of civism. 但从各方面观察,亦发现诸多今人忧心的社会现象,尤其是民众的公民意识严重不足,如果任令发展将会影响台湾民主的向上提升。
  6. Of the homogeneity of national culture and contemporary civism model, it is the main goal that nation-state compose establishs, also be the powerful mental motive force that politics expands. 国民文化的同质性和现代公民精神的塑造,是民族国家构建的重要目标,也是政治发展的强劲的精神动力。