2023-12-01 11:45:16
v. 上下疾动;剪短;行屈膝礼;<古>欺骗;窃取
n. 上下快速摆动;短发,波波头;钟摆;浮子;屈膝礼;一束;<英俚>先令;大雪橇;鲍勃(人名)
名词:bobber 名词复数:bob 过去式:bobbed 过去分词:bobbed 现在分词:bobbing 第三人称单数:bobs
- 使上下快速摆动,急拉,急动,急牵
- 用浮子钓鱼
- 试咬住悬挂的目的物
- 上下快速摆动,上下跳动,摆动,跃起
- 轻打,轻敲,轻拍
- 行屈膝礼
- 使敲
- 剪短(头发)
- 冒出,出现
- 截断(马尾)
- <古>欺骗,窃取
- 浮子
- 秤锤
- 短发
- 鲍勃(男名)
- 屈膝礼
- 上下快速摆动,跳跃
- 跳跃舞
- 钟摆
- 一束,一团
- 剪短的马尾
- 一串鱼饵
- 连橇,大雪橇
- <古>歌曲的短叠句
- 轻敲,轻打
- 【物】摆锤
- <英俚>一先令
- a former monetary unit in Great Britain
- a hair style for women and children; a short haircut all around
- a long racing sled (for 2 or more people) with a steering mechanism
- a hanging weight, especially a metal ball on a string
- a small float usually made of cork; attached to a fishing line
- a short or shortened tail of certain animals
- a short abrupt inclination (as of the head);
"he gave me a short bob of acknowledgement"
- move up and down repeatedly;
"her rucksack bobbed gently on her back"
- ride a bobsled;
"The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure"
- remove or shorten the tail of an animal
- make a curtsy; usually done only by girls and women; as a sign of respect;
"She curtsied when she shook the Queens hand"
- cut hair in the style of a bob;
"Bernice bobs her hair these days!"
- Tag ends of memories bob up now and then.记忆中的零碎小事不时地涌入脑海。
- A boxer learns to bob and weave.拳击手学习急速扭头和闪身。
- The girls began to bob their hair to be in style.姑娘们开始把她们的头发剪成时髦的短发。
- Dont forget to bob to the princess when you see her.见到公主别忘了行屈膝礼。
- The girl, who had been looking down for some time, raised her bob cut head in surprise.一度低头看着地面的那女孩,惊讶地抬起她那顶着一头短发的头。