2023-12-01 14:43:16
adj. 附属的;从属的
n. 附属物
- furnishing added support;
"an ancillary pump" "an adjuvant discipline to forms of mysticism" "The mind and emotions are auxiliary to each other"
- We also think that abettor has the two-fold characters which the abettors are unattached and appurtenant each other. 所谓“从属”,按照“汉语大辞典”的解释有“依从、附属”之意。
- As to spats and walking function, it is to be placed in appurtenant position it seems that. 至于护脚与行走的功能,似乎是摆在了从属的地位。
- However, we adhere to the viewpoint that the abettors are appurtenant each other. 因此,虽然同样使用“从属性”一词,但是两者的内涵在特定的共犯理论中还是存在着重大区别的。
- Land, appurtenant easements, and the appertaining equipments of other appurtenant and construction shall be real estates. 土地、附着于土地的建筑物及其他定着物、建筑物的固定附属设备为不动产。
- According to the Chinese Character Dictionary, the word appurtenant could be interpreted into compliableness or appertain. 相应地,“从属性”则是指一事物所具有的“依从”或者“附属”于另一事物的属性。
- Without the abettor being unattached to each other firstly, without the abettor being appurtenant to each other secondly. 因此,“共犯的独立性”是“第一位的”、“主要的”,而“共犯从属性”则是“第二位的”、“辅助的”。