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2023-12-01 15:23:17
美[klænzmən]  英[klænzmən]
n.  宗族或家族的成员


  1. a member of a clan


  1. Can we be surnamed what does the clansman do for diligent Hu? 我们能够为正在努力的胡姓族人做些什么?
  2. This is not a wild man thinking, just a belongingness toward my clansman. 这个不是一个偏激极端的思想,然而却是我一个对族群以及文化的归属感。
  3. In this case the Bocchicchios would take their vengeance on Sollozzo as the cause of their clansmans death. 这样的话,卜启丘一家就会以本家族的人之死为理由而在索洛佐身上采取报复行动。
  4. Anyone who is a clansman of Sam Kiang, who is over 60 years old and who is healthy can apply for Special Membership irrespective of sex. 凡属三江同乡,不分性别,其年龄在六十岁以上,身体健康者,可申请为特别部员。
  5. The Ling Ling brings the green wooden clansman to disperse immediately and enter into the city. 林林带众绿色木族人顿时分散开来,投入城内。
  6. The toot hum resounds, the up to ten thousand blue color clansman has been static immediately down. 号角声呜呜响起,上万的蓝色族人顿时静了下来。