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2023-12-01 15:29:17
美[bəʊdɪfʊl]  英[bəʊdɪfʊl]
adj.  预兆的;不祥的


  1. The bad trading figures do not bode well. 这些交易数额欠佳,预示公司前景不妙。
  2. His careful habits bode well for his future. 他那认真的习惯预示著他会有好的前途。
  3. If we bide our time the chance will come. 只要我们等待时机,总会有希望的。
  4. His idle habits bode ill for his future. 他的懒惰习惯预示他将来不会有好的前途。
  5. The bad trading figures do not bode well for the companys future. 这些交易数额欠佳,预示公司前景不妙。
  6. Must have before leukaemia scatter bodeful? 得白血病前有撒预兆?