2023-12-01 16:17:17
n. 玎玎当当声
vi. 发玎当声
sp. =clangor(美).
- a loud resonant repeating noise;
"he could hear the clang of distant bells"
- make a loud resonant noise;
"the alarm clangored throughout the building"
- "Now was heard again the clangour of the music, and the measured tramp of the military escort, issuing from the church-door. 这时又听到了铿锵的音乐和卫队的整齐的步伐声从教堂门口传出。
- For a long time I knew how the day went, by the imperious clangour of midday and evening bells striking down upon the houses and the edge of the lake. 很长一段时间里,午钟和晚钟急迫的敲着,钟声传向千家万户,穿向湖畔。
- The pomps and pageantries of a stately court, and the mad clangour of arms, and the radiant loveliness of woman, bewildered and intoxicated my brain 富丽堂皇的宫廷中举行的隆重仪式和豪华盛会,震天动地的刀枪铿锵声响,倾国倾城的绝色丽人,教我不由神醉。
- "Now was heard again the clangour of the music, and the measured tramp of the military escort, issuing from the church-door. The procession was to be marshalled thence to the town-hall, where a solemn banquet would complete the ceremonies of the day." 这时又听到了铿锵的音乐和卫队的整齐的步伐声从教堂门口传出。游行队伍将从那里走到镇议事厅,以厅中的一个庄严的宴会来结束这一天的庆典。