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2023-11-22 01:26:17
英音[ʃædəu] ;美音[ʃædəu] ;


1.[C,U] 阴影,影子

2.可数名词: 眼睛下面[周围]有黑圈(如因病或缺觉)


4.可数名词: 如影随形的随从或伙伴;跟踪盯梢的人(如对罪犯的)

5.可数名词: 微弱的或虚幻的东西

6.[sing][~ of sth] 某事物的痕迹

7.[sing][the ~ of sb/sth]某人[某事物]的巨大影响


1. 使阴影或影子映在(某人,某物)上

2. 跟踪盯住(某人)


1. 影子内阁的(指在野党若组,有望成为内阁各大臣的人对各自应负责的事务发表言论方面)

2. 有影子的,多阴凉的

3. 似影子的,模糊的


make appear small by comparison

a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements

an inseparable companion

something existing in perception only

follow, usually without the persons knowledge

cast a shadow over

a dominating and pervasive presence

shade within clear boundaries

a premonition of something adverse

an unilluminated area

refuge from danger or observation

an indication that something has been present


in the shadow of adv.在...附近

in the shadow 在阴暗处

shadow forth v. 暗示,预示

cast shadow 投影

full shadow 全阴影

hard shadow 清晰阴影

shadow prices 影子价格

shadow reading 影子跟读(一种学习外语的方法:做电影或者新闻等原声的影子,让原声大过你的声音,紧跟原声模仿直至感觉无限接近原声)

shade and shadow 阴与影

shadow area 阴影区,投影面积

shadow n.1.[C,U] 阴影,影子2.[C] 眼睛下面[周围]有黑圈(如因病或缺觉)3.[U](绘画的)阴暗部分4.[C] 如影随形的随从或伙伴;跟踪盯梢的人(如对罪犯的)5.[C]

shadow casting 【医】 阴影定型, 定影

shadow box v.(尤指训练时与假想对手)做空拳攻防练习

half shadow 半影

shadow mark 透影

shadow cell 【医】 影细胞(坏变的不染色细胞)

shadow boxing n. 〈拳击〉空拳练习

shadow nucleus 【医】 影核

shadow test 【医】 暗影试验, 视网膜镜检查