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eight thousand five hundred and ninety three是什么意思

2023-11-21 23:20:17
eight thousand five hundred and ninety three



five thousand eight hundred and ninety three 5893

eight thousand three hundred and ninety five 8395

five thousand three hundred and ninety eight 5398

three thousand eight hundred and ninety five 3895

three thousand five hundred and ninety eight 3598

eight thousand five hundred and ninety three 8593

eight thousand eight hundred and ninety three 8893

three thousand eight hundred and ninety eight 3898

five thousand five hundred and ninety three 5593

five thousand three hundred and ninety five 5395

ninety three adj. 九十三

ninety five n. 95

ninety eight adj. 九十八;n. 九八牌汽车,快餐店

three num. 1.三,3n.1.三,三个

six three three adj.六三三制的(小学六年的初高中各三年的制度)

three throw 三曲柄的

three ply a. 三重的,三股的n. 三重,三股,三层夹板

three hinged 三铰的

three pointodontograph 三点画齿规

three range 三量程的