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2023-12-06 22:01:17
美[əʃɜːdʒənt]  英[əʃɜːdʒənt]
adj.  上升的;斜上性的


  1. rising from the sea;

    "a seahorse assurgent"

  2. growing or extending upward;

    "an assurgent stem or leaf"


  1. Aclinic tone and assurgent tone take second place.Katabatic tone is always the shortest tone. 一个声调格局中一般曲折调最长,平调和升调次之,降调最短。
  2. The other one is the assurgent ladder truck including 5 different angle combinations. 第二类为直升式云梯车,其形式共区分为5种不同的角度组合。
  3. Then, they were divided into four groups, 90 in each group, according to the results of electroaudiometry and the hospitalization time: assurgent, declivous, aclinic and deaf audiometric curve groups. 根据患者在本院检查的电测听结果及就诊时间顺序分为4组,分别为上坡型、下坡型、平坦型及聋型电测听听力曲线组,每组90例。
  4. stems and petioles sparsely appressed strigose, occasionally hairs dense and assurgent. 茎和叶柄疏生贴伏具糙伏毛的,偶有紧密和上升的毛的。
  5. an assurgent stem or leaf. 向上生长的树干或树叶。
  6. 10.an assurgent stem or leaf. 向上生长的树干或树叶。