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2023-12-06 22:10:17
美[bɪdʒiːzʌs]  英[bɪdʒiːzʌs]
sp.  老天


  1. The bear scared the bejesus out of us. 那只熊真把我们吓坏了
  2. I have always felt there was a primordial tug in human nature, prominent in some people, less so in others, toward things that scared the bejesus out of us. 我总是认为在人类的本性中对于那些把我们吓得魂飞魄散的事情有一种原始的强大吸引力,只不过有人突出一些,有人不太突出而已。
  3. I have always felt there was a primordial tug in human nature,prominent in some people,less so in others,toward things that scared the bejesus out of us. 我总是认为在人类的本性中对于那些把我们吓得魂飞魄散的事情有一种原始的强大吸引力,只不过有人突出一些,有人不太突出而已。
  4. Those squadrons of white-collar workers in India, the Philippines, and China are scaring the bejesus out of software jockeys across North America and Europe. 不是我们所有人明天都将失去工作。
  5. boy: That is the sake of bejesus is coveting you. 男孩:那是因为老天对着你流口水呢。