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2023-12-06 22:11:16
美[æntiːkərəʊsɪv]  英[æntiːkərəʊsɪv]
adj.  防蚀的
n.  防蚀剂


  1. Is this frame anticorrosive and colorfast? 这种框架容易腐蚀和褪色吗?
  2. Excellent water resistance and good anticorrosive property. 防水性能优异防腐蚀性好。
  3. Excellent water resistance and anticorrosive properties. 优异的耐水性、和防腐性能。
  4. Tianxingshun Anticorrosive Building Installation Engineering Co. 天兴顺防腐建筑安装工程公司。
  5. Excellent water resistance and anticorrosive property. 优异的耐水性、和防腐性能。
  6. We have painted the operating platform with anticorrosive paint. 对车间钢结构操作平台涂刷防锈漆,做防锈处理。