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2023-12-06 23:31:17
美  英
n.  故障台(机密件封面;彩色顺序传送)


  1. An experimental system was designed with Matlab and CCS simulation. 利用Matlab软件和DSP的CCS仿真环境设计了数字信号处理课程实验系统。
  2. CCS in detroit is also very good (espeically for the car design industry). 底特律市的CCS(创意研究学院)也是非常好的,尤其是在汽车设计方面。
  3. CCS needed more extensive trials than a single power plant could provide. 仅有一个电站采用CCS技术是不够的,这种技术需要应用到更多的实验项目上。
  4. Application form is available in CCS Classification Information No.129. 申请书格式请参见我社第129号船东通告。
  5. It will be able to offer shipping survey certificate of CCS and ABS. 并可提供“CCS”“ABS”等船检证书。