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2023-12-07 00:39:16
美[bɪleɪbə]  英[bɪleɪbə]
vt.  痛击;痛斥;冗长地解释
  过去式:belabored  过去分词:belabored  现在分词:belaboring  第三人称单数:belabors


  1. to work at or to absurd length;

    "belabor the obvious"

  2. attack verbally with harsh criticism;

    "She was belabored by her fellow students"

  3. beat soundly


  1. To belabor(an issue or a subject). 对(问题或主题)作过多说明
  2. I won’t belabor the point more than this. 我对这个问题的看法就阐述至此。
  3. We wont belabor the theory and background. 我们不会就理论和背景做太多的论述。
  4. He seems to be looking for a man of straw to belabor. 他看来在找一个假想的敌人来加以痛打。
  5. Forgive me for asking, I dont mean belabor the obvious. 请原谅我多问一句,我并不想白费口舌。
  6. We need not belabor the obvious point that such symbolization is conducive to feelings of security and belongings. 我们毋须针对这种象徵性所引发归属感和安全感做过多的讨论。