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2023-12-07 00:44:16
美[ˌkɒləmberɪəm]  英[ˌkɒləmberɪəm]
n.  骨灰安置所
  异体字:columbary  名词复数:columbaria


  1. a birdhouse for pigeons
  2. a niche for a funeral urn containing the ashes of the cremated dead
  3. a sepulchral vault or other structure having recesses in the walls to receive cinerary urns


  1. Here the explorers had noted the remains of a small village with tombs and a columbarium. 探险家曾注意其中存有坟墓和灵骨所的村庄。
  2. After the 8.30am and 10am masses, there will be procession to columbarium for blessings of the niches. 在8时30分和10时的弥撒过后,神父将带领游行到骨灰安置厅洒圣水和降福,请有关的亲属一起前来参与。
  3. Then, by the gleam of a lamp, similar to that which lighted the columbarium, Albert was to be seen wrapped up in a cloak which one of the bandits had lent him, lying in a corner in profound slumber. 于是,在一盏和照亮前面那个墓穴同样的油灯的微光之下,他们看见阿尔贝裹着一件一个强盗借给他的披风,正躺在一个角落里呼呼地大睡呢。“嗨
  4. columbarium niche 灵灰龛
  5. Columbarium eastwoodae Kilburnn. 伊氏纺轴螺(骨螺超科;纺轴螺科)
  6. Columbarium pagoda Lessonn. 纺轴螺(骨螺超科;纺轴螺科)