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2023-12-07 00:45:17
美[æntɪsaɪklɒnɪk]  英[æntɪsaɪklɒnɪk]
adj.  逆旋风的


  1. of or relating to or characteristic of the atmosphere around a high pressure center


  1. Earths atmosphere has nothing that resembles a big, stable, anticyclonic flow. 地球的大气层没有哪一部分象是一股稳定的大反气旋流。
  2. Deep mixing south of Cape Palliser indicated the presence of an anticyclonic eddy. 帕利瑟(Cape Palliser)南部的深层混合说明,该地区有一股反气旋涡旋。
  3. The baby spot gets ever closer to the GRS in this picture sequence until it is caught up in GRSs anticyclonic spin. 它就得到日益密切,当地球观测卫星拍摄这组图片时,直至它赶上了在地球观测卫星的反自旋。
  4. When the wind stress curl reaches a maximum negative value in winter, an anticyclonic eddy develops and the flow in the study area is toward the south. 在风速最大的冬天,风应力旋度负值有最大值,会是一反气旋式涡流,呈顺时针方向旋转。
  5. Otherwise, there is momentum transport from asymmetric to symmetric flow with pattern of cyclonic outflow or anticyclonic inflow. 反之;当非对称流场为反气旋式流入或气旋式流出时;动量由对称流向非对称流转换.
  6. The area extension of the anticyclonic wind stress curl is beneficial to the formation and development of the anticyclonic circulation to the west of Luzon Island. 反气旋风应力涡度范围的扩展有助于吕宋岛以西反气旋环流系统的形成和发展.