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2023-12-07 00:51:16
美[ˌæntisaɪkloʊn]  英[ˌæntisaɪkləʊn]
n.  逆旋风;高气压圈


  1. (meteorology) winds spiraling outward from a high pressure center; circling clockwise in the northern hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern


  1. A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone. 高气压中心;高气压圈。
  2. The anticyclone weather situations are more favorable than the cyclonic ones. 反气旋天气情况比气旋天气情况更有利些。
  3. Unlike a low-pressure center, which may be composed of two or more air masses, an anticyclone usually consists of a single air mass. 与低压中心不同(它可能由两个或两个以上的气团所组成),反气旋通常只由单一的气团构成。
  4. Second is the anticyclone this happens when winds form a wind system around a high. 第二种是反气旋,当围绕高压中心形成风系统时出现反气旋。
  5. On the 14th of September, an unexpected anticyclone changed the weather pattern. 在9月14日的时候,一个意想不到的高气压改变了这样的天气。
  6. This makes the anticyclone more powerful and larger in size than the cyclone in the heating are and to its north. 因而显著的高、低压中心均出现在热源区的北侧,且高压中心强于低压中心。