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2023-12-07 01:18:16
美[koʊltɪʃ]  英[kəʊltɪʃ]
adj.  活泼的;小马(似)的;轻佻的,不受拘束的
  副词:coltishly  名词:coltishness


  1. given to merry frolicking;

    "frolicsome students celebrated their graduation with parties and practical jokes"


  1. Modern toilet sanitation is better, the position is so coltish. 现代化厕所卫生较好,所以位置不受拘束。
  2. Jo, fifteen, was tall, thin, and coltish, and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions. 乔,十五岁,是个瘦高个活泼的姑娘,她毫不掩饰对斯文习俗的蔑视,并以此自豪。
  3. Jo,fifteen,was tall,thin,and coltish,and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions. 15岁的乔是个高瘦活泼女孩,得意于对传统礼仪的蔑视;
  4. Jo, fifteen, was tall, thin, and coltish , and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions. 乔,十五岁,是个瘦高个活泼的姑娘,她毫不掩饰对斯文习俗的蔑视,并以此自豪。
  5. The sound of her voice, the aroma of her hair, the face and eyes, her coltish charm. 她那美妙的声音,头发上飘出的香氛,脸庞和眼睛,顽皮的孩子气;
  6. Will see dining room first, the eat desk and chair of archaize color, those who press full wall pink is coltish. 先来看看餐厅,仿古色的餐桌椅,压一下满墙粉色的轻佻。