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2023-12-07 01:25:17
美[koʊltə]  英[kəʊltə]
n.  犁刀;犁头


  1. a sharp steel wedge that precedes the plow and cuts vertically through the soil


  1. A QianSheng, a horizontal resolution, Two steps, the two deputy colter. 一条纤绳,一条横下的决心;两只脚板,两副掘进的犁铧。
  2. The main horizontal bar on a plow to which the share, colter, and handles are attached. 车辕、犁柄犁上主要的横棍,用以固定犁铧、犁刀和柄
  3. Disaster just likes knife,holds the colter arm you can make it service for us, but holds knife edge you may hurt you hands. 1灾难就像刀子,握住刀柄就可以为我们服务,拿住刀刃则会割破手.
  4. "Simply indescribable, " farmer solilo-quize, still go n cultivated land forth, after about 30 paces, colter turns over a tooth from earth again. “简直莫名其妙,”农场主自言自语,还是往前耕去,大约30步后,犁头又从土里翻出一颗牙齿。
  5. Because of the furrow that colter turns over, soft wet acerbity, go do not get in the shoe nest of shoe of round mouth of a few paces full earth. 因为犁头翻开的犁沟,酥软湿涩,走不几步圆口鞋的鞋窝里就钻满了土。
  6. John Colter, the explorer who discovered Yellowstone Park claimed that he once escaped from the Indians by diving into a beaver pond and coming tip inside a beaver lodge. 发现黄石公园的探险者约翰·科尔特宣称他曾潜水进入河狸居住的池塘并爬进河狸的巢穴从而逃脱印第安人的追捕。