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2023-11-22 02:42:17
英音[kɑ:st] ;美音[kæst] ;

动词 及物动词:

1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒

2. 投射(光、影、视线等)(+at/on)

3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃


5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)

6. 选派...扮演角色,为(戏剧、角色)选派演员(+as/in)

7. 浇铸

8. 计算;把...加起来

9. 解雇,辞退;剔除(牲畜)

10. 制定;编排;分类整理


1. 投;抛垂钓鱼钩(或钓饵)

2. 把几个数字加起来,计算


1. 投;掷;抛

2. 撒网;垂钓

3. 班底,演员阵容

4. 铸型;模子;浇铸件


6. 外貌;类型;气质



assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors

(of molten metal or glass) formed by pouring or pressing into a mold

select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet

throw forcefully

put or send forth

formulate in a particular style or language

the visual appearance of something or someone

the distinctive form in which a thing is made

container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens

a violent throw

the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel

form by pouring(e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold

move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

get rid of

eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth

choose at random

the actors in a play

object formed by a mold

bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal

the act of throwing dice


to cast 出铁

cast by 放弃, 排除

cast on v.急忙披上(衣服等)

as cast 铸造的

cast after cast 逐层向上运土法

cast aspersions on 中伤,诽谤,污蔑

cast back v. 回想,追溯

cast down v.使沮丧,使下降,推翻

cast into the shade v. 使逊色,使相形见拙

cast iron n.铸铁,锻铁

cast v. [T]1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒2. 投射(光、影、视线等)(+at/on)3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃4.(动物)早产5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)6. 选派...

CAST =Center for the Applications of Sciences and Technology 科学技术应用中心([美]Wayne大学)

cast in 浇入

cast on 熔补

as cast 【机】 毛胚铸件

die cast a. 以印模压铸的

hot cast 热铸

say cast 尾部粗毛

colour cast n. 彩色电视放送vt.vi. 通过彩色电视放送

type cast adj.铅字已铸妥的v. 铸造(铅字)



throw 普通用词,使用广泛,仅指用力抛掷,不涉及动作方式或感情色彩。

cast 常可与throw 互换,指迅速扔出一个重量较轻的物体。

fling 指用力投掷,或因感情激动而粗暴地或漫无目的地扔东西。

heave 指把重物举起后扔出。

hurl 通常指用力投掷,动作迅猛,所投掷的距离也较远。

pitch 指随意地、轻轻地掷或扔,侧重方向性和有明确的目标。

toss 指无什么目的地、轻轻地、随意地掷或扔,所扔掷的东西一般都比较轻。