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acrobatic feat是什么意思

2023-11-22 03:14:17
acrobatic feat

phr. 杂技表演,杂耍


a stunt performed by an acrobat


acrobatic feat phr. 杂技表演,杂耍

by feat of 借助于,凭借着…

acrobatic feats 杂技

work the feat 奏效

acrobatic gymnastics 技巧

perform the feat 奏效

do the feat 奏效

feat of arms 武功,军功,战功

acrobatic stunt phr. 杂技表演,杂耍

permissible acrobatic 容许的特技飞行

feat n.1.技艺,武艺,功绩,伟业

acrobatic a.1.杂技的,杂技般的,杂技演员的