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Less time是什么意思

2023-11-22 03:30:16
Less time



Less time 较少的时间

less than no time 很快,不久,马上,一会儿

in less than no time adv.马上

no less 不少于,不亚于,同样…,依然…

less and less 越来越少的, 更少的

never the less ad.不过

more or less 1. 或多或少,大体上,基本上,差不多,几乎,大约

none the less 仍然,虽然如此

not less than n. 至少不少于

less but better 少而精

LESS =Least Cost Estimating and Scheduling 最低成本估计与计划

less 无;缺;不能

lessa. (little的比较级)1.较小的,较少的(+than)ad. (little的比较级)1.较小地,较少地;不如(+than)n. 1.[U]更少的数(量,额)pre

will less a. 无意志的, 缺乏毅力的, 非出于本意的, 未留下遗嘱的

humour less a. 缺乏幽默感的,一本正经的

less traveled adj. 少有人走的

shell less a. 无壳的

less than carload 铁路运输零担

less than youthful 不再年轻

less than perfectness 近乎完美