2023-12-11 10:27:16
adj. [动]背外侧的
- Either of a pair of terminal,dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects,such as the female mosquito. 尾须某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须
- Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito. 尾须某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须
- Important midbrain nuclei of the descending dorsolateral corticorubrospinal tracts. 在背侧皮质红核脊髓径中重要的中脑神经核。
- The fifth metatarsophalangeal joint is best exposed by a straight or cured dorsal or dorsolateral incision. 第五跖趾关节最好应用背侧或背外侧直切口或弧形切口予以显露。
- The fifth metatarsophalangeal joint is best exposed by a straight or curved dorsal or dorsolateral incision. 第五跖趾关节最好应用背侧或背外侧直切口或弧形切口予以显露。
- The difference seems linked to a region of the brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 这种差别好象跟大脑中一个叫做“前额叶背外侧皮层”的区域相关,以前该区域被认为跟学习和记忆相关。
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