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2023-11-22 04:39:17
英音[rivju:] ;美音[rivju:] ;


1.[U, C] 复查, 重新考虑

2.可数名词: 回顾,检讨,述评,汇报

3.可数名词: 书评、影评等,有评论文章等的期刊(的专栏)



1.及物动词: 复查或重新考虑(某事物);思考(尤指往事),回顾

2.[I,T] 写(书、影片等)的评论文章

3.及物动词: 检阅(部队、舰队等)

4.及物动词: 复习(功课)


refresh ones memory

look at again; examine again

a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians

a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion

a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art

(law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court)

a formal or official examination

practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory

hold a review (of troops)

appraise critically

look back upon(a period of time, sequence of events); remember

(accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data

an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play)

a new appraisal or evaluation

a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment


in review 回顾, 检查中

to review 阅兵

environmental review 环境评论

continuous review 连续检查

court review 法院审查

security review phr. 安全审评

commission of review 【法】 复查委员会, 复审委员会

review conference 审查会议

economic review 经济评论

annual review phr. 年度回顾,评论年刊,年度综论

review n.1.[U, C] 复查, 重新考虑2.[C] 回顾,检讨,述评,汇报3.[C] 书评、影评等,有评论文章等的期刊(的专栏)4.[C](部队、舰队等的)检阅,阅兵式v.1.



magazine 指刊登各种文章、小说、诗歌、评议的杂志。

journal 本义为“日报”,现在可指定期发生的周刊、月刊、季刊等或指学术团体出版的刊物、杂志或学报。

periodical 通常指除日报以外的定期出版刊物。

publication 指出版物,发行物。

newspaper 一般指每日出版的报纸。

review 多指登载评论性文章或讨论重大事件的文章的刊物。

press 系报刊总称,也指报界或报业。