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2023-11-22 05:44:17
英音[hæŋ] ;美音[hæŋ] ;


1.[I,T] 悬挂,吊;不及物动词:,(指织物、衣服等)挂着或垂吊着的某种样子

2.[I,T] 晾挂风乾(以便食用)

3.[I,T] 固定在墙上,(尤指)展览;及物动词:[尤用于被动语态] [hang sth with sth] 用(图画、饰物等)装饰某物

4.及物动词: 将壁纸贴在墙上

5.及物动词: 上吊,绞死(某人),(尤指)处以绞刑;不及物动词:被处以绞刑

6.及物动词: 给(门)安装铰链


8.不及物动词: [hang (above/over sth/sb)] 悬浮於空中



1. 悬挂的方式,下垂的样子

2. 绞刑


decorate or furnish with something suspended

give heed(to)

cause to be hanging or suspended

the way a garment hangs

be exhibited

kill by hanging

prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive

let drop or droop

be suspended or poised

be suspended or hanging

fall or flow in a certain way

place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction

be placed in position as by a hinge

suspend (meat) in order to get a gamey taste

hold on tightly or tenaciously

a special way of doing something

a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnasts weight is supported by the arms


hang on 紧抓不放,坚持;别挂断电话;余音缭绕

hang on to 紧紧抓住,紧跟不放,缠住,不肯放弃

hang it on 拖延故意拖拉

hang with vt.装饰

hang in there 坚持到底,硬挺下去

hang in 坚持

go hang 被忘却,被遗忘,不被关心;别管闲事,别多嘴

hang spring 吊丝

hang glider 悬挂式滑翔机(hang-glider)

hang loose 【美】【俚】1.放松Drop in.We are just going to hang loose this weekend.随时来访,这个周末我们只打算轻松一下。

hang v.1.[I,T] 悬挂,吊;[I],(指织物、衣服等)挂着或垂吊着的某种样子2.[I,T] 晾挂风乾(以便食用)3.[I,T] 固定在墙上,(尤指)展览;[T][尤用于被动语态] [h

hang nail 甲刺

hang up n. 障碍,大难题

hang ups 悬料

over hang 【机】 外伸砂心头

hang glide v. 滑翔

hang over 释放延迟

hang glider n. 悬挂式滑翔机

hang luggage n. 手提行李

hang out n. 某人常去的地方



hang 通常指一端固定于一点或一条线上,另一端悬于空中的状态。

suspend 侧重悬挂物支撑点的灵活性和活动自由。