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2023-12-23 17:02:17
美  英
n.  埃尔韦拉(f


  1. Elvira: So what are you doing Sam? 爱薇拉:你在做什麽啊,山姆?
  2. The winner, Elvira Plunkett, and her mother go to Hollywood... 剧情简介: Plot:Gopher City Kansas hosts a beauty contest.
  3. Asa and Elvira run a shabby religions mission in Kansas City. 阿萨和埃尔维拉在堪萨斯城办了一个寒酸的传教机构。
  4. Elvira: Its worth not having to deal with the hassle. What are you stuck on? 爱薇拉:请个会计师处理这些麻烦事是很值得的。你卡在什麽地方?
  5. The news pushes the neurotic Elvira to the point of nervous breakdown. 三个人对于同性恋感情的真挚性产生了巨大的怀疑。
  6. Continue until you get to a roundabout and a very big arch (Arco de Elvira). 所有的2岁以下的儿童的加婴儿床不需付费。