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2023-12-23 17:05:16
美  英
n.  爱丽舍宫(巴黎的法国总统官邸)


  1. How are things with Elyse?Great. |和Elyse怎么样啊? 挺好的.
  2. Whatever Elyse has, she didnt get here. |不管Elyse得了什么; 肯定不是在这得的.
  3. Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids. 伊莱把他的巧克力和其他孩子一起分着吃了。
  4. "Is that all?" said Eli, profoundly relieved. “就是这么些?”伊莱说道,深感卸掉一个大包袱。
  5. Eli, Im never gonna see her again. eli, 我不会再见她了
  6. You got it,"a smiling Fischer tells Eli. 你明白,"一个微笑菲舍尔告诉艾力。