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2023-12-23 17:09:16
美[əfekt]  英[əfekt]
vt.  影响;感动;作用
  名词:affecter  过去式:affected  过去分词:affected  现在分词:affecting  第三人称单数:affects


  1. 受影响的
  1. 【心】感情;情感;心情
  2. 【数】偏差
  3. 意向,倾向
  4. 引起感情的因素
  5. 【精神病学】(表露或觉察到的)情绪反应
  1. 影响,作用,对...发生作用,对...有影响,对...有作用
  2. 假装,装作,佯装,假冒,冒充
  3. 侵袭
  4. (使)感动, 感染,使悲伤,使震动,深深打动
  5. 爱好,爱用,爱穿
  6. 感受
  7. 常去
  8. 罹患, 害(病),伤(风),中(暑)
  9. 炫耀
  10. 做作
  11. 妨害


  1. vt. 影响 cause some result or change; influence
  2. vt. 感动 cause feelings of sorrow, anger, love, etc.
  3. vt. 假装 pretend to feel, have, or do
  4. vt. 炫耀 make an obvious show of using, wearing or liking sth


  1. the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion
  1. have an effect upon;

    "Will the new rules affect me?"

  2. act physically on; have an effect upon;

    "the medicine affects my heart rate"

  3. connect closely and often incriminatingly;

    "This new ruling affects your business"

  4. make believe with the intent to deceive;

    "He feigned that he was ill" "He shammed a headache"

  5. have an emotional or cognitive impact upon;

    "This child impressed me as unusually mature" "This behavior struck me as odd"


  1. affect a superior air摆出一副高不可攀的样子
  2. affect bow ties炫耀蝶形领结
  3. affect bright colors炫耀鲜艳的颜色
  4. affect health影响健康
  5. affect illness装病
  6. affect sbs interest影响某人的利益
  7. affect sbs life影响某人的生活
  8. affect the crop yield影响庄稼的收成
  9. affect the physical properties of...影响…的物理特性
  10. affect the profits影响收益
  11. affect the result影响结果
  12. affect the skin刺激皮肤
  1. affect deeply深刻地影响
  2. affect directly直接影响
  3. affect greatly大大地影响
  4. affect indirectly间接影响
  5. affect magnificently装得极好
  6. affect mentally精神上影响
  7. affect profoundly深刻地影响
  8. affect seriously严重地影响
  9. affect strongly深刻地影响
  10. affect unfavorably产生不利的影响
  1. be affected at the news听到这个消息而感动
  2. be affected by sbs words为某人的话感动
  3. be affected by the weather受气候影响
  4. be affected in character by the environment性格受到环境的影响
  5. be affected with被…所苦,被…所烦扰
  6. be affected with compassion感到怜悯
  7. be affected with high fever发高烧
  8. be affected with the wish to become an actor很想成为一名演员


  1. How does interest rate affect the price of bonds?利率如何影响债券的价格?
  2. She was deeply affected by the sad story.她深深被那个悲伤的故事感动了。
  3. His charm doesnt affect or impress me.他的魅力对我不起作用.


    affect用作动词的基本意思是“影响”,包含三种意思:①某种强刺激的力量导致发生明确的变化(或好或坏)。②当宾语是health或身体某部分的词时常指“对…发生不良影响”,当主语是疾病等词时常指“感染”。③宾语是人时,指对人的心智和情感发生作用,使之“感动”(常表示同情或忧伤)。 affect着重“影响”的动作,接名词或代词作宾语; 可用于被动结构。 affect作“假装”“炫耀”解时一般含有贬义,多接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。