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2023-12-23 17:53:17
adj.  两面的;两面派的
  副词:two-facedly  名词:two-facedness


  1. marked by deliberate deceptiveness especially by pretending one set of feelings and acting under the influence of another;

    "she was a deceitful scheming little thing" "a double-dealing double agent" "a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer"

  2. having two faces--one looking to the future and one to the past;

    "Janus the two-faced god"


  1. May the man be damned and never grow fat who wears two face under one hat. 但愿在一顶帽子之下藏着两副脸孔的人永世不得发福。
  2. The two face still more operations to reconstruct their skulls. 接下来两姐妹还将接受一系列修复头骨的手术。
  3. The two faced off on the tarmac at Singapores airport. 两者在新加坡机场的停机坪上开始了对决。
  4. The two face still more operations to reconstruct theirskulls. 接下来两姐妹还将接受一系列修复头骨的手术。
  5. Beware of him. He has two faces. 要当心他,他这人心口不一。
  6. Of Janus of two faces you were seeking. 我已找到您在寻觅的有两副面孔的罗马神话门神的。