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2023-12-23 18:31:17
美[stjuːpɪfaɪd]  英[stjuːpɪfaɪd]
adj.  发愣的;目瞪口呆的
sp.  动词stupefy的过去式和过去分词.


  1. as if struck dumb with astonishment and surprise;

    "a circle of policement stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accident" "the flabbergasted aldermen were speechless" "was thunderstruck by the news of his promotion"

  2. in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from shock;

    "he had a dazed expression on his face" "lay semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow" "was stupid from fatigue"


  1. A display that stupefied all onlookers.使所有的观看者惊得发呆的表演
  2. He was stupefied with drink.他因酒醉而头脑不清。
  3. He knocked me on the head and blow stupefied me.他给我当头一击,把我打得不省人事。
  4. I was stupefied by what I read.我读到的内容把我惊呆了。