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2023-12-23 21:19:16
美[zɪppiə]  英[zɪppiə]
adj.  更有活力的


  1. By deferring the activation of a plug-in, the user is given the impression of a zippier product. 通过延迟插件的激活,会给用户一种产品更为灵活的印象。
  2. First, were moving about 600,000 miles per hour in our galactic orbit, a lot zippier than the old estimate of 500,000. 首先,我们在银河系的轨道上以60万英里每小时移动,比以前估计的500000要快的多。
  3. It has observed high-energy photons arriving up to 20 minutes behind zippier low-energy ones from a source 12 billion light years away. 这个望远镜已经观察到从120亿光年远处发射过来的高能量的光子比活力更强的低能量的光子迟到了20分钟。
  4. Zippi 齐皮