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score off是什么意思

2023-12-23 21:21:16
score off


  1. He couldnt make a score off his opponent.他在与对手的辩论中不能占上风。
  2. He might be ready to pull off something real tricky that would put him back on top.他很可能突然来一手真正厉害的,那他就又会占上风。
  3. Shes really thick-shinned. Insults roll right off her back.她真是个厚脸皮,羞辱的话她是毫不在乎的。
  4. If he had wanted to score off Robert,there were so many better ways than this.假使他果真想要羞辱罗伯特,比这更好的方法还多得很哩。