2023-11-25 12:07:17
n. 照做者;遵从者
- Caption is added for complier place. 标题为编者所加。
- The Operating System of Godson 1 is Linux, and the Complier is the gnu GCC. 在龙芯1上运行的是Linux系统,使用的编译器是GCC。
- The article is the one part of full text, caption is complier place is added. 本文是全文的一部分,标题是编者所加。
- According to our presentday ideas the complier seems somewhat liberal with her butter and sugar. 照我们今天的观点看来,汇编者使用奶油和砂糖有点儿大手大脚。
- The compiler system of EP is composed of complier in industrial computer and interpreter in motion controller. 其编译系统由上位机编译器和下位机解释器两部分组成,使EP语言具有很强的可移植性和通用性,实现也比较简便。
- The word of complier: Hotpot has lukewarm filling effect, most appropriate is in winter edible. 编者的话: 羊肉具有温补作用,最宜在冬天食用。