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tea bag是什么意思

2023-12-28 02:58:17
tea bag


  1. a measured amount of tea in a bag for an individual serving of tea
  2. small paper bag holding a measure of tea


  1. At other times he forgets completely to bring the tea bag and must be reminded.还有些时候,服务员干脆就忘了拿茶叶袋,还必须被提醒。
  2. The tea drinker is then expected to add the tea bag to the rapidly cooling water and swish it around, if by that time there is enough heat left to dissolve anything at all.然后,喝茶人就要自己把茶叶袋儿放到正在迅速冷却的水中,要是那时的水还有热度能沏开什么的话,就将它搅动几下。