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2024-01-01 00:06:16
美[nefrɒlədʒɪst]  英[nefrɒlədʒɪst]
sp.  肾病学家


  1. At which stage of CKD should patients be referred to a nephrologist? 处于那个时期的患者应该交给肾病医师?
  2. Is there a point, before ESRD, at which the nephrologist should assume primary care of a patient with CKD? 在ESRD之前,是否存在一个应该主要由肾病医师对CKD患者进行医疗的时期?
  3. On Thursday Jai &I met with nephrologist (kidney doctor) Thomas Whelan, who is terrific. 星期四我和洁见了肾科专家托马斯未兰。
  4. Moreoer, attention should be directed to the potential complications of kidney disease that may require consultation by a nephrologist. 而且,应该关注于潜在的肾病并发症,这可能需要咨询肾病学家。”
  5. Our strategy was early intensive fluid therapy and consultation with a nephrologist from the very first hours of admission. 我们的策略是早期强化液体疗法并第一时间请肾脏病专家会诊。
  6. For those of you scoring the game at home, my creatanine level peaked at 3.9, but is down to 3.4 - my nephrologist (who is awesome), says that is a very encouraging sign. 对你们那些爱在家里记录分析的人,我肌酸酐水平最高达到3.;9,现降到3