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2023-11-26 08:20:17
美[ˌkuːkɑːrɑːtʃɑː]  英[kuːkərɒtʃə]
n.  一种墨西哥舞;歌


  1. Forward walks, forward walks turning as the man dances cucaracha and change off feet. 前进走步,男士跳压步动作换脚时转身前进走步。
  2. Look out for the Cucaracha step rock to the right or the left, then replace and close. 简言之,斗牛舞就是斗牛戏的一种诠释表现;
  3. Te presento la cucaracha allow me to introduce the cockroach 我给你介绍蟑螂
  4. Man does check forward walks and followed three cucaracha as the lady walks around him 当女士绕着他走时男士跳抑制前进步而后接着压步动作步