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an immense amount是什么意思

2023-11-22 00:06:16
an immense amount



an immense amount 巨万

an immense forest 林海

to the amount of 总数为…,总计达…

The amount of adj....的数值

amount of phr. 大量的(与不可数名词连用)

in amount 总之,总计

the amount of adj....的数值

no amount of 怎么(再多)也...不

amount to v.1.共计 2.意味着 3.发展成

an amount of adj.许多

immense adj. 极大的;巨大的

amount v.[I] 1.amount to sth总计;共达2.等於或相当於某事物n.[amount (of sth)] (尤与不可数名词连用) 1.总数;总额;总值2.数量