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gum up是什么意思

2024-01-09 01:12:17
gum up


  1. stick together as if with gum;

    "the inside of the pipe has gummed up"


  1. I forgot that my helmets visor was still down, so when I spat, the gum stuck against it.I was temporarily blinded and I crashed into the bushes.我居然忘记了我还带着头盔,口香糖黏在了面罩里暂时挡住了我的视线,于是我撞进了树丛中!
  2. The naughty girl jumbled her clothes up.这个淘气的女孩在搞乱她的衣服。
  3. Your father flared up because you had made a mess of his study.你父亲勃然大怒是因为你把他的书房给搞乱了。
  4. Their interference bollixed up the whole deal.他们的扰乱把整个事情都弄糟了。
  5. Anything that can screw up will!所有会弄糟的事情都会弄糟!