2024-01-09 05:26:17
n. 驾驶者放腿脚的搁脚空间
- In the footwell area alone, intrusion in a frontal crash is reduced by 50 percent. 在足部地区就有,入侵在正面碰撞减少了百分之五十。
- Aramid mats are thus used for the roof and the body columns and for the front wall to the footwell and the back wall to the luggage compartment. 因此芳纶垫用于屋顶和身体列和前墙的脚部和背部墙到行李箱。
- A reasonable performance with the survival space mostly maintained but compromised by chest contact with the steering wheel and problems in the footwell. 测试结果尚可。碰撞后的生存空间大部分得以保存,但胸部和方向盘的碰撞、腿部空间的问题使表现打了折扣。
- The passenger compartment is protected by armour plating of the doors, the roof, the pillars, the front footwell and the separation wall between passenger and luggage compartments. 车厢内的乘客是装甲保护的车门,车顶,支柱,前脚部和乘客与行李车厢隔离墙电镀。