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2023-11-22 10:39:17
美[æbdʌktər]  英[æbdʌktə(r)]
n.  诱拐者;绑架者;外展肌


  1. 诱拐者
  2. 绑架者
  3. 劫持者
  4. 拐子
  5. 【解】【生理】外展肌
  6. 开肌
  7. 拐骗者


  1. someone who unlawfully seizes and detains a victim (usually for ransom)
  2. a muscle that draws a body part away from the median line


  1. Police closely traced the whereabouts of abductor. 警察紧紧追踪绑架者的行踪。
  2. Law will protect the girl taken in and sold by the abductor. 法律将保护那位被人贩子欺骗和拐卖的姑娘。
  3. The Police hurried to untangle the remaining children barred by the abductor. 警方赶紧把被绑匪关着的剩下的那个孩子解救了出来。
  4. She had destroyed the decency he had brought with him from the countryside, making him an abductor of women! 她把他由乡间带来的那点清凉劲儿毁尽了,他现在成了个偷娘们的人!
  5. The abductor threaten to kill his daughter if he does not immediately pay ransom. 绑架者恐吓道,如果他不马上交赎金就把他女儿杀死。
  6. The abductor bullyrags that if he not pay the ransom money or his daughter will die. 绑架者恐吓道,如果他不马上交赎金就把他女儿杀死。