2024-01-10 06:51:16
n. 锋面之生成
- It is caused by the frontogenesis of cold front connected with Meng Gu cyclone. 诊断分析表明,这次沙尘暴由蒙古气旋后部冷锋锋生产生的偏西北大风引发。
- Lance F. Bosart, 2003: Tropopause Floding, Upper-Level Frontogenesis, and Beyond. Amer. Meteor. Soc., Vol. 30, No.53, 13-47. 主要针对过去对高层锋生和对流层折叠作整理及回顾。
- Finally, the relation of the front and convection as well as the role of convective latent heating on the Meiyu frontogenesis was discussed. 最后探讨梅雨锋与对流之关系,及对流潜热释放在梅雨锋生过程所扮演之角色。
- Ac-cording to the computation,the action of heating frontogenesis is important to frontal formation,maintenance and its movement. 加热的锋生作用不仅对锋面形成和维持是重要的,而且对锋面的移动与准静止也有重要作用。
- Significant results have been thereby derived in examining the effects of baroclinic Ekman momentum flow on Early--type baroclinic waves and frontogenesis. 利用上述方法分析了斜压Ekman动量流对Eady型斜压波及锋生过程的影响,得到了一些有意义的结果。
- So, the perfect Q-vector divergence and the frontogenesis function are two important parameters in the process of diagnosing and forecasting the heary rain. 因而在暴雨的诊断和预报过程中完全Q矢量散度和锋生函数是两个重要的参数。