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2024-01-10 06:56:17
美[frɒʃ]  英[frɒʃ]
n.  大学(或中学)一年级新生;新手


  1. Get some frosh to do it for you. 找几个新生来帮你干吧。
  2. Frosh, The Politics of Psychoanalysis, London, MacMillan , 2000. 黄发典译),法西斯主义,台北,远流,1993。
  3. It is said that 90% of frosh expect to be above average in their class.You are to provide a reality check. 这表明90%25的新生期望自己在班上处于中上水平;请你提供一个例子来检查.
  4. Soon or warm, soon after the frosh is free day frost-free date for you your area. 假如仍然有霜冻的危险,夜晚时为早期植物准备好覆盖物。
  5. And one of the supposed trouble spots was the biology class that all incoming frosh were required to take. 听起来,其中最恐怖的要算生物课了,每一个新生在第一个学年里必须修这门课。
  6. Those numbers stand up there alongside Dwyane Wades, Ben Gordons, Ray Allens and Brandon Roys frosh stats. 他的数据已经能比拼韦德,本戈登,雷阿伦和罗伊新秀赛季的数据了。