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2023-11-22 10:52:17
美[æbdəkənt]  英[æbdɪkənt]
n.  退位者
adj.  逊位的


  1. Puyi, who is just like an outcast, read out the abdicant rescript. 从此,伪满洲国崩溃垮台,二千年的皇帝专治彻底划上句号。
  2. Astrologers have told Gyanendra it would be good if he could stay in the palace till early June.The 60-year-old abdicant intends to accept the advice. 当地媒体5月31日报道说,占星家建议贾南德拉6月初搬出王宫,这位60岁的前国王有意接受建议。
  3. abdicant king 忠宣王
  4. ABDIC (=Adriamycin(doxorubicin), bleomycin, dacarbazine(DIC), CCNU(lomustine)) 阿霉素、博莱霉素、氮烯唑胺、环己亚硝脲