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2024-01-14 03:30:16
美  英
n.  海华沙(美国诗人Longfellow所作长诗《海华沙之歌》的主人公)


  1. a Native American chieftain who argued for peace with the European settlers (16th century)


  1. We heard the stories of you killing much older kids at the Hiawatha Davis Rec Center up in Park Hill. 我们也听说过年纪轻轻的你在ParkHill的海华沙戴维斯体育馆里用自己的实力击败了那些你年纪大许多的同样是打篮球的孩子。
  2. Onondagan leader who is credited with the organization of the Iroquois confederacy. His name was given to the hero of Longfellows poem The Song of Hiawatha(1855). 海华沙奥农达加领袖,曾组织易洛魁联盟。他的名字被用作朗费罗的长诗海华沙之歌(1855年)中主人公的名字
  3. Neither the Milwaukee-to-Chicago Hiawatha line nor the long-distance Empire Builder are reporting any significant delays, he said. 无论是密尔瓦基至芝加哥hiawatha线,也没有长途帝国建设者正在举报任何重大延误时,他说。
  4. The picturesque, tea-colored Tahquamenon is the setting for Henry Wadsworth Longfellows epic poem The Song of Hiawatha. 风景如画,茶色tahquamenon是设置亨利wadsworth朗的史诗诗歌hiawatha 。引自:“美国国家地理杂志”,当天的图片。
  5. The Song of Hiawatha 海野瓦达之歌