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2024-01-14 13:33:16
美[ˌhɒməletɪk]  英[hɒmɪletɪk]
adj.  说教术的;说教的;教训的
  副词:homiletically  异体字:homiletical


  1. of the nature of a homily or sermon
  2. of or relating to homiletics;

    "homiletic speech"


  1. China takes practicality seriously not quite, methodological stale, devoid originality, over homiletic. 中国则不太重视实践性,方法陈旧,缺乏创意,多于说教。
  2. "Not be me, abba, I just see homiletic emperor was written to get arthritis on newspaper. “不是我,神父,我只是看到报纸上写说教皇得了关节炎。”
  3. The variety show begins without anything homiletic, nor with any graceful shells. 从出现之初,综艺节目就不担负说教的使命,也不套用高雅的外壳。
  4. Televised documentary derives from movies, the early homiletic works became a tool for framer to realize their propaganda purpose. 电视纪录片脱胎于电影,早期作品说教味较为浓重,大多是创作者实现宣教主旨的工具。
  5. Homiletic practice is bad, will be answered back and forth also asked so much outside religion, also there is no lack of famous coach. 说教练不好,来往返回也请了那么多的外教,也不乏出名的教练。
  6. Father also is not known, but to do not lose outer part, looked up and down one time, homiletic son says: "Is this known? 父亲也不熟悉,但是为了不失去面子,端详了一番,教训儿子说:“这都不熟悉?