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2024-01-16 10:53:17
美[ˌɪnkəʊhɪərəns]  英[ˌɪnkəʊhɪərəns]
n.  非相关性;无条理性;松散的事物


  1. lack of cohesion or clarity or organization
  2. nonsense that is simply incoherent and unintelligible


  1. Vagueness, in turn, led to incoherence. 语焉不详反过来造成自相矛盾。
  2. The Morse shivered into incoherence. 后来的摩斯电码便不知所云了。
  3. Picasso’s carved-up faces registered our subjective incoherence. 毕加索画中面孔的分割暗喻了主体的破碎。
  4. The incoherence of this stance makes it conveniently difficult to attack. 这种不一致的立场使得他不易受到攻击。
  5. This incoherence amounts to merely a denial either of the meaning of the FQP, or an unwillingness to face its meaning. 这种语无伦次完全等于否定哲学基本问题的意义,或者不愿面对它的意义。
  6. Finally, Smith showed up, enraged to the point of incoherence, not without reason. 史密斯终于露面了,他气得语无伦次,但仍有理智。