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2024-01-16 20:45:16
美[ˌɪnɪkstensəbəl]  英[ˌɪnɪkstensəbl]
adj.  不能扩张的(伸不开的)


  1. not extensile


  1. The cartilage in such areas is almost inextensible. 这些部位的软骨几乎一点儿也不能伸展。
  2. The curve traced by a point on a taut,inextensible string as it unwinds from another curve. 切展线,渐开线当一根绷紧而不能拉长的细线从一弧线上延展出去时在其上一点所画的弧线。
  3. Since the cord connecting the two blocks is inextensible, the accelerations are the same. 由于连接两物块的绳子无伸缩性,因此它们的加速度相同。
  4. The curve traced by a point on a taut, inextensible string as it unwinds from another curve. 切展线;渐开线当一根绷紧而不能拉长的细线从一弧线上延展出去时在其上一点所画的弧线
  5. The two systems, connected by inextensible link members, are assumed to resist the full external horizontal forces at floor levels. 这两种体系借无弹性的连杆联结,人们假设用它们抵抗各楼板的全部水平外力。
  6. The curve theoretically formed by a perfectly flexible,uniformly dense,and inextensible cable suspended from its endpoints. 垂曲线理论上由一条极柔软、密度均匀且长度不变的缆绳从其两端间垂下而形成的曲线。