2024-01-16 21:21:16
adv. 迷恋地;着迷地
- I walk into the rain curtain infatuatedly. 我痴情地走进雨幕。
- "Let us dance again, then," he said infatuatedly. “一会我们再跳一曲吧。”他迷恋地说。
- I usually sat there infatuatedly until crepuscule, until that the dark night brings over the shadow of death. 总是痴痴的一直坐到黄昏,坐到幽暗的夜慢慢的给四周带来了死亡的阴影。
- Because be planted at this infatuatedly,oneself do not have some disposition, indulge by every means. 因为着迷于这种自己没有的性格,百般迁就。
- It is old economy and old economy regulation take the history after all, still a few people adore infatuatedly to new economy? 到底是旧经济和旧经济规则都走入历史,还是有一些人对新经济崇拜得走火入魔? 历史上的新经济和目前的新经济 “新经济”这个字眼传出之前,国人大炒知识经济。
- The all artistes from famous Tearto Regio di Parma are extremely outstanding and they show the opera as perfect as they do to audiences, and made them infatuatedly! 意大利帕尔玛皇家歌剧院的优秀演出家们,将此剧完美无缺的展现给观众们,令人陶醉!