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2024-01-16 23:47:17
美[ˌɪnfrəspɪsɪfɪk]  英[ɪnfrəspɪsɪfɪk]
adj.  [生]同物种的


  1. Revision of infraspecific taxa of Actinidia chinensis Planch. 中华猕猴桃种下分类群订正.
  2. Some comments on biometric in plant taxonomy applied to infraspecific ranks. 关于在植物属种统计中种下等级统计问题的一点看法.
  3. A highly variable species with several infraspecific taxa recognized in Europe. 在欧洲的一个非常易变的种类具数个种下类群承认。
  4. No consensus of infraspecific taxonomy is currently available for this species. 本种没有对于种下类群的一致的分类法。
  5. This is a polymorphic species for which many infraspecific taxa have been described from throughout its range. 这是一个多态种,在其分布区分区了许多种下类群。
  6. Many regional and local variants have been accorded separate status, either at specific or infraspecific rank. 很多地区和地方变型一直被给予单独地位,或者在具体或成列。