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2024-01-17 16:10:17
美[ɪntəsɒljʊbɪlɪtɪ]  英[ɪntəsɒljʊbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  互溶性


  1. In General, when using several resin intersolubility. 凡是来说,搁置几栽树脂时互溶性不不不差。
  2. Thirdly, the previous intersolubility experimental device was modified. 3、本文对实验室原有互溶性实验装置进行了改进,使得结构更加合理,提高了密封性能。
  3. The intersolubility of DME and diesel including the measurements of saturated vapor pressure and cloud point were studied. 本文进行了几种不同配比的二甲醚/柴油混合燃料的互溶性(包括混合燃料的饱和蒸气压以及浊点的测量)及发动机性能的试验研究,目的是寻求二甲醚在柴油中合适的添加比例,使柴油机在尽量不作改动的情况下燃用混合燃料并获得良好的性能。
  4. intersolubility critical temperature 临界互溶温度
  5. Keywords ethanol diesel oil;intersolubility;cosolvent;physical and chemical property;combustion and emission behavior; 乙醇柴油;相溶性;助溶剂;物化性质;燃烧排放性质;
  6. The main reason into ink system on wax class of surfactant class poor intersolubility; 次要来因不退油不朱编制不对蜡类的暗不天活性剂类互溶性不对变成的;