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2024-01-17 20:20:17
美[ˌɪnɜːbeɪn]  英[ˌɪnɜːbeɪn]
adj.  粗野的;无礼的;粗鄙的


  1. Peace the inurbane parties and maintain the stability of society. 对申诉无理的当事人做息诉工作,维护社会的稳定。
  2. But doing so in front of a female is considered rude and inurbane. 但在女仔面前就不能,因会觉得你粗鲁,冇风度。
  3. I guess this inurbane person has some connection with you? am I right? 我猜测是和你有某种关联的吧;否则....
  4. You see paint indicate on the bucket 10% - rate of 20% add water, you attribute inurbane demand captious. 你看看油漆桶上标明10%25-20%25兑水率,你属于无礼要求吹毛求疵。
  5. Lolisy got an angel face, but quarreled with inurbane words.She used to hit the pipe and prostitute herself. 洛蕾丝有一副天使般的面孔,可骂起街来却粗俗不堪,她曾吸毒、卖淫。
  6. The one a very short time that looks line contact that, what I excused a friend immediately is inurbane. 视线接触的一霎那,我马上就原谅了朋友的无礼。